

Trump Cures Cancer, Dems ComplainLaw professor Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit often refers to the American press as Democrat operatives with bylines. (If Trump Cures Cancer, The Media Will Complain About Overpopulation)

Looking back on President Donald Trump’s first year in office, he has compiled a shockingly strong record and long list of accomplishments. As was also the case with his rise to the presidency, President Trump has broken several records for a first-year commander-in-chief and fulfilled many of his key campaign promises. Now, that’s not to say he hasn’t had failures and it’s not to mask the fact that many of these accomplishments were unilateral. But it is also true that President Trump has faced an unprecedented level of never-ending obstruction throughout the year. He was the first president in memory to be deprived of the “honeymoon” period after Inauguration Day and, frankly, opposition at times has risen to levels that could arguably constitute downright treason … (Trump’s First Year Accomplishments Compiled In Shockingly Long List)

Okay, so the public Donald Trump is not an easy guy to like. The public Donald is a braggadocious egomaniac with a skin as thick as Onan’s callus, a vindictive streak as wide as the stripe on a polecat’s tail, and a paradoxical need to be loved even as he tosses insults around like rice at a Roman wedding. The private Donald is something else entirely.  This is a guy as shrewd as an Arab horse trader; a master manipulator whose public persona has been carefully crafted to entice opponents into frothing hysteria and fatal underestimation.  It’s Machiavelli as played by the Marx Brothers.

Or … maybe not. As the Donald’s good friends at CNN insist,

“…if you look at the last year-plus of Donald Trump in the White House, it’s hard to conclude that he is, in fact, operating off of some sort of secret — and hugely complex  –blueprint for governing and politics. In fact, the only strategy is really not a strategy at all: Trump simply says things. And no matter what he says on one day, he feels completely unbound by it the next day … Rather than a set of dots (actions/statements/policies) between which you can draw a relatively smooth through-line, there are only dots for Trump. Like a Rorschach drawing, you can try to see patterns in those dots. But different people see different things. And some people see absolutely nothing at all. The point is: There is no point. There is just Trump — saying things and then reacting to the reaction to what he says.”

There were lots of people who contended back in the ’70s that Muhammad Ali never invented the Rope-A-Dope strategy, either; that George Foreman simply forced the Great One onto the ropes and stupidly proceeded to punch himself out — a lucky accident for Ali rather than a victory of intelligent design.

Donald Trump has finished his first year as the self-proclaimed people’s champ leaving a majority of his opponents floundering on the ring apron wondering just what the hell hit them. Heck, Hillary Clinton, the Sonny Liston of presidential politics, is still in a daze, last seen stumbling around India wondering what round she’s in.

Well, a win is a win is a win. And for Donald Trump — that’s President Donald Trump to you liberals — the unbeaten streak, whether by intelligent design or lucky accident,  continues.

About Bob Mack

Retired since 2003. Military Service: U.S. Army, 36th Artillery Group, Babenhausen, Germany 1966-67; 1st Signal Brigade, Republic of Vietnam, 1967-68 Attended University of Miami, 1969-73
This entry was posted in Current Events, Donald Trump, News, Opinion, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Trumped!

  1. bydesign001 says:

    There were lots of people who contended back in the ’70s that Muhammad Ali never invented the Rope-A-Dope strategy, either; that George Foreman simply forced the Great One onto the ropes and stupidly proceeded to punch himself out — a lucky accident for Ali rather than a victory of intelligent design.

    Well put. I remember the debate around the rope-a-dope…and it’s success against Ali’s opponents. Enter 2018…very Trumpian.

    • Bob Mack says:

      The key to both the Rope-A-Dope and the Trump-A-Dope, of course, is a chin made of granite and (to quote myself–why not? I’m kinda proud of this line) a hide as thick as Onan’s callus…

  2. Pingback: Donald Trump Must Being Doing Something Right! - Novus Vero

  3. Pingback: Donald Trump Must Being Doing Something Right! | What Did You Say?

  4. coupdédes says:

    I like your style, Bob. I’m glad I found your blog.

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