Pictures Worth A Thousand Words

Lisa Benson

Celebrate the end of the despicable 111th Congress, but remember–Obama still has his poison pen:

Henry Payne

Michael Ramirez

So while House Republicans throw public bricks at Obamacare and talk the talk about reducing spending, never forget that the socialist minions inside the FCC, EPA, HHS, and DHS are busy disemboweling liberty on the sly–and don’t be shy about reminding your representatives about the 1996 Congressional Review Act*.  Some of them are new.

*The Congressional Review Act allows Congress to review every new federal regulation issued by the government agencies and, by passage of a joint resolution, overrule a regulation.

See Obama’s Coup d’État

About Bob Mack

Retired since 2003. Military Service: U.S. Army, 36th Artillery Group, Babenhausen, Germany 1966-67; 1st Signal Brigade, Republic of Vietnam, 1967-68 Attended University of Miami, 1969-73
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19 Responses to Pictures Worth A Thousand Words

  1. Bob Mack says:

    Good post by Stilton at Hope n’ Change Cartoons – Hammer Time

    Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi passed the gavel of Speaker of the House to Republican John Boehner, who deserves a medal for “courageous restraint” in not using the opportunity to whack Ms. Pelosi on the noggin like a carnival test-of-strength game (“The bell rings! Give that man a cigar!”)

    Ms. Pelosi, who claims to be a champion of the little people, had just returned from a Hawaiian vacation in which she stayed in a $10,000 per night suite… presumably because Motel 6 had no vacancies. […]

  2. fleeceme says:

    Good stuff.

    I particularly like the CO2 measurement masks (I guess that’s what they are).

  3. I love the one about the EPA. LOL.

    • Bob Mack says:

      I liked the “King Obama” cartoon because his rule by decree is getting worrisome. Dick Morris wrote about it yesterday (How To Fight Obama’s Agenda). Morris says:

      […] The need to repeal his radical agenda is ever more apparent as it unfolds further. The legislative enactments were bad enough. But now Obama is using his executive authority to implement anything he couldn’t get through even his Democratic-dominated Congress.

      By administrative order, the Environmental Protection Agency is about to impose a carbon tax more draconian than the aborted cap-and-trade legislation.

      The National Labor Relations Board is reversing the Dana decision, which requires secret ballots in union elections. Having failed to pass card-check legislation, the board will impose it by a party-line 3-2 vote.

      Now the Department of Health and Human Services is about to reimburse end-of-life advice from physicians even though this was specifically deleted from the healthcare bill in order to assure its passage.

      Finally, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is about to impose regulations on talk radio, requiring locally produced programs, shortening the license period to four years (from eight), and reining in conservative programming.

      It is also using the rubric of Net neutrality to regulate the Internet. […]

  4. yes, a 1000 words, I stole the first one for my post.

    • Bob Mack says:

      Hey, Sarge. Anybody’s welcome to anything on this site if it’ll help shove the socialist Dems and their misguided allies back into their little pink bottle…

  5. Angel says:

    big government ..thats the ticket..NOT!..De throne em all my friend!!

  6. J. P. Morgan says:

    We must be ever vigilant. We win the House, they turn to the regulators. We stifle the regulators, they turn to the courts. They lose in the courts, they turn to executive order. They will never give up. How about the appropriately named Anthony Weiner? Man O Man is that guy a poster child for the Nancy Pelosi double-speak club?

    Bob–3rd Brigade, Big Red One, 1967 Lai Khe, Air Force puke detached to the U.S. Army. It was my job as a Lt to run to Saigon and keep the hooch supplied in booze.

    • Bob Mack says:

      Did all my drinking in II Corps, J.P.–San Miguel & Ba Muoi Ba. Old “33” killed more germs than penicillin, I think.

      Weiner’s newsletter is called The Weiner Report. Now that’s funny.

      • AFVET says:

        San Miguel,..good beer.
        Made in the Philippines, Watch out for the Tiger Beer.
        Many nights spent with a cold san migoo.

        • Bob Mack says:

          AFVET, I once drank too much Tiger Beer with an ROK mortar team just out of the Dong Bo Mountains. Afterwards, the ROKs got hungry, and cooked us up a platter of what I took to be flank steak. It was–just not off the flank of the critter I’d thought.

  7. Bob Mack says:

    As if we didn’t already know it…from the Washington Times – Liberal Distaste For The Constitution:

    The Constitution was read at the opening of the new session of the House of Representatives yesterday. What was most remarkable about this was the almost hysterical opposition from congressional Democrats and left-wing commentators. In what should have been a united celebration of the nation’s foundation document in a period of partisan rancor, liberals instead reinforced the view that they are profoundly uncomfortable with the essential truths underlying American freedom. […]

  8. Bob,
    I used that graphic of Pelosi falling off her pedestal as the header of my post today. 😉

  9. The King and his decrees is uncomfortably familiar, and the one with the car mufflers or whatever they are, is spot on. I read today that the House is getting right to work on the EPA. Bring it on.

  10. The King and his decrees is uncomfortably familiar, and the one with the car mufflers or whatever they are, is spot on. I read today that the House is getting right to work on the EPA. I hope they address light bulbs as well. They will endear much of America if they do.

Your thoughts?