The American Idle

Golfer In Chief

Why Obama keeps the press away – playing golf with Tiger Woods doesn’t look good with 12 million Americans out of work and a $16 trillion debt – Telegraph

Obama’s latest mini-vacation follows in the wake of his lavish Christmas/ New Year holiday on Kailua Beach in Oahu, Hawaii, which cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $7 million.

… According to [White House Correspondent Keith] Koffler,”the total cost to taxpayers of Obama’s vacations to Hawaii since becoming president is likely in excess of $20 million, and possibly much, much more.”  … The optics certainly don’t look good for a president who has in the past called on Americans to make sacrifices, while blatantly refusing to do so himself … This is the latest demonstration of an overwhelming culture of impunity in a celebrity-obsessed Obama White House, frequently coupled with a disturbing lack of transparency that would be roundly condemned by the likes of The New York Times, NBC, or CBS if a Republican were in office.

While Barack Vacations In Palm Beach, Mooch To Take Separate Taxpayer Funded Vacation In Aspen | Weasel Zippers

First Lady Michelle Obama plans to vacation in Aspen, Colorado this Presidents’ Day weekend, separately from her husband, who will land this evening in West Palm Beach for his own down time with the boys.

Michelle’s separate excursion from the president means that, even as the government prepares to slash spending as the March 1 sequester approaches, taxpayers will be footing the bill for two separate Obama vacations, paying for items like travel and the expensive security and staff entourages that accompany them everywhere.

You can’t blame Democrats for their insufferable arrogance.  After all, they can boast of an almost perfect record since 1965.  Of course, it’s a record of unmitigated failure, but hey, perfection is perfection — and theirs is a streak that shows no signs of ending anytime soon.

Things Only a Democrat Could Get Away With

[…] The Democratic Party in the last two decades has absorbed Bill Clinton’s ability to avoid accountability. The ranks of its congressmen are full of liars, felons and lunatics. It is a party so devoid of accountability that the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee can sit on the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics without being able to tell apart the Moon and Mars, while Hank Johnson can warn that Guam may tip over if too many Marines land on it.

The Party of Jefferson has made the long sad trip to a party that views Massachusetts scandal machines like Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank as elder statesmen, instead of criminals who were never locked up, on account of their political influence. And it is full of these elder statesmen, men like Joe Biden, whose only gift is an inability to shut up and a media unwilling to condemn even the worst of their shenanigans.

The only remaining virtue in the Democratic Party is shamelessness. Those Democrats who have no shame prosper, those who do turn themselves in and serve their time. 

About Bob Mack

Retired since 2003. Military Service: U.S. Army, 36th Artillery Group, Babenhausen, Germany 1966-67; 1st Signal Brigade, Republic of Vietnam, 1967-68 Attended University of Miami, 1969-73
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15 Responses to The American Idle

  1. Pingback: Be Sure You’re Right Then Go Ahead | Grumpy Opinions

  2. righthook38 says:

    I started reading “Rules for Radicals” the other day. Alinsky said that to the organizer, there is no fixed truth; the truth is relative and changing. The leftist philosophy is the same as that of Muslims….it’s ok to lie, cheat or steal in order to further the cause. Marx was an atheist, and had the philosophy that each person was his own god, and whatever was right in his or her own eyes was moral…there were no moral absolutes. That’s exactly what we’re witnessing with Obama and the Dems in Congress…they justify anything they do, because they see what they as being for the greater good, and thus moral in their own eyes. To them, nothing is immoral….well, except trying to save innocent unborn lives, and expecting people to actually work for a living.

  3. Asylum Watch says:

    America! Home of the brave who once were free.

  4. AFVet says:

    Moochelle is planning another country wide excursion to promote her “move your a$$” campaign.
    She’s hitting the TV programs (Rachael Ray food channel), and they are gonna cook in Mississippi.
    I will never tolerate Rachael again.
    Koffler has posted her itinerary.

    Just off her vacation in Aspen, she straddles her airplane and burns up yet more of the fossil fuels that they are continually making less affordable for us.

  5. Pingback: The American Idle - Conservative Hideout 2.0

  6. Cry and Howl says:

    I hope Tiger didn’t get jealous over Reggie Love getting to fly back to Washington with Barack.

  7. Pingback: Sunday Links | What Would The Founders Think?

  8. coffeeandsleeplessnights says:
  9. cmblake6 says:

    Reblogged this on Cmblake6's Weblog and commented:
    Too fucking right. We suffer, it rejoices in it.

  10. FX Phillips says:

    Remember we live in country where if the ruling class and their pets have to do with only 3% rise in spending it’s called austerity. When the rest of us have to deal with a 5% decline in real income and a 2% increase in tax rates it’s called “shared sacrifice” meaning we “share” what’s left of our shrinking income with everyone who gets a government check so they don’t have to sacrifice.

  11. It appears through my untrained eye Bob that for some strange reason, some Americans, and we know who they are and ALL if the mainstream media do not give one iota what the “H” hussein obama does. It is a shame//You know Bob if this were a “RIGHTY” The left and Mainstream Media would be screaming their ever loving head off and would be singing the impeachment blues every day. But sense we have a lefty in the lineup, ITS ALL A’OK it is “BUSHES” fault;they have been singing that tune since 21st Jan of hussien obama’s first term in office. It is sad but true.
    We had a chance to dump him last November, we had(have) a chance to dump him over Benghazigate but no dice, and we had (have) a chance to dump both holder & hussein obama over fast and furious, again no dice. The sad part is most of America is now turning a deaf ear to all of the corruption and giving him a pass Just remember what a stink the left made on Bush’s DWI, they wanted to boot him out then and there..

    Sorry to get off point Bob, but this just really pisses me off..W still have 3 years 10 months left with this idiot, proved we make it until then.

  12. Pingback: The American Idle |

  13. say, Mr. Macky, you doin okay? Sure hope so.


  14. Pingback: Obama’s VA nominee supervised hospital linked to waiting lists scandal | Grumpy Opinions

  15. Pingback: Obama’s VA nominee supervised hospital linked to waiting lists scandal | Viewpoints of a Sagitarrian

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