If You Like Your Nuclear Program, You Can Keep Your Nuclear Program…

Give Peace A Chance“Now is not the time for us to impose new sanctions, now is the time for us to … give diplomacy a chance, give peace a chance.” — Barack Obama

“And by peace he means let Iran have nuclear weapons…” (Weasel Zippers)

Well, we knew Barack Obama was a Leninist, but it appears we had the wrong Lenin. What’s next, a Bed-In with the Mooch taking Yoko’s place while Barry fiddles with his granny glasses and channels the shade of Tim Leary? Hardly. Obama’s antipathy for radical Islam has always been less than skin deep, and his idea of peace seems to be buying the mullahs enough time to go comfortably nuclear. If recycling inanities from the Sixties helps the cause, then Obama will gladly break out the bongs, turn on the black lights, and dole out the hash brownies.

Barack Obama’s inexplicable and increasingly dangerous tilt toward Iran is getting harder to hide. Whether his administration is consciously shifting policy or simply making ad hoc, unrelated (even incoherent) decisions is unclear. But the cumulative effect is indisputable — a declining America in the Middle East inevitably means a stronger Iran, portending grave risks for Washington and its appalled friends and allies. (TribLive)

The Freaky BrothersYou’d have to be as stoned as a Furry Freak Brother or a Persian philandress to believe that Obama’s Geneva agreement will suffer a better fate than a fat chicken in Colonel Sander’s kitchen. Not even the squishiest of Congressional Democrats believes that, judging, at least, by the numbers of them desirous of reimposing sanctions on the regime.  Rouhani and the gloating Iranians certainly don’t think so:

“Do you know what the Geneva agreement means? It means the surrender of the big powers before the great Iranian nation.” — Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran

“No facility will be closed; enrichment will continue, and qualitative and nuclear research will be expanded.  All research into a new generation of centrifuges will continue.” — Abbas Araqchi, Chief Iranian Negotiator

“Had the enemy been able to confront us militarily, it would have already taken action. Given their weakness in the military dimension, they have opted for the political arena and we will certainly succeed in this area too.” — Iranian Army Commander Major General Ataollah Salehi

Salehi’s probably right, considering the left wing Islamophile America has twice thoughtlessly installed as Commander-In-Chief. 

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About Bob Mack

Retired since 2003. Military Service: U.S. Army, 36th Artillery Group, Babenhausen, Germany 1966-67; 1st Signal Brigade, Republic of Vietnam, 1967-68 Attended University of Miami, 1969-73
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5 Responses to If You Like Your Nuclear Program, You Can Keep Your Nuclear Program…

  1. Richard M Nixon (Deceased) says:

    Reblogged this on Dead Citizen's Rights Society.

  2. samiam60 says:

    My sides are splitting………this is hysterical. I haven’t laughed this hard in a long, long time. 😀

  3. Pingback: If You Like Your Nuclear Program, You Can Keep Your Nuclear Program… | Grumpy Opinions

  4. Mustang.Koji says:

    Your quotation of Salehi sums it all up… Plus, our deluded President (Man, I hate referring to him as that – president) handed over our foreign policy powers to Putin…on a silver platter.

  5. Pingback: If You Like Your Nuclear Program, You Can Keep Your Nuclear Program… - Conservative Hideout 2.0

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