Dragnet 2010

H/T to HoldingoutinNy on Conservative’s Forum

About Bob Mack

Retired since 2003. Military Service: U.S. Army, 36th Artillery Group, Babenhausen, Germany 1966-67; 1st Signal Brigade, Republic of Vietnam, 1967-68 Attended University of Miami, 1969-73
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6 Responses to Dragnet 2010

  1. sargecharlie says:

    I stopped by and liked what I found, I will be doing a shout out for your site. Welcome home.

  2. sargecharlie says:

    ps: I added you to my reader, you got some good stuff here.

  3. Bob Mack says:

    5 x 5. Thanks, Sarge, glad you liked it.

  4. Mike says:

    Dragnet was a hell of a good show back in the 50’s. Jack Webb was great and so was his partner Harry Morgan. The DI was one of my favorite movies and I became a Marine in the 60’s.
    “Semper Fi”
    “Death before Dishonor”

    Found you through SargeCharlie’s blog.

    • Bob Mack says:

      Hey, Mike, thanks for stoppin’ by. Speaking of DI’s, one of mine was a tough little guy who ran us army recruits more than ragged. I was surprised as hell to see him again on my 1st day at the 22nd Reppo in Cam Ranh. By that time, he’d gotten himself busted back to PFC & was doing scut work for Special Services passing out warm beer to FNG’s. He was trying to get back into a line outfit with the 101st ABN, but nobody seemed to want him. It was a shame, really, ’cause the guy was a helluva troop when he wasn’t on the juice.

      • Mike says:

        Us little guys have to be tough because there is always some other guy that needs an attitude adjustment from time to time. One of my Jr. DI’s was a tough old buzzard with lots of chevrons on his sleeve. Actually all three of them were tough dudes. Somewhere on one of my blogs I think I have a platoon picture from 1964. It was on my vox blog but that had to be changed to a typepad account. I’ll stick it in here somewhere and if things are working right I’ll add your site to my blog(s). I actually have three but don’t use them much.

        Not sure I know how to do things in typepad yet as it’s only been since the end of September that it changed.

Your thoughts?