Lt. Dan Rocks The Fourth

“When I started going on USO tours, I would shake hands and take pictures. I asked them if I could take some musicians with me. They said OK. The troops always call me Lt. Dan, so I just went with that and said, “Let’s call it Lt. Dan Band.”

“I’ve been blessed. I know where freedom comes from. A lot of people are sacrificing for it. We all remember what happened to our Vietnam veterans when they came home from war. We don’t want that to happen again.”

–Gary Sinise

No better time than the Independence Day holiday to give a shout-out to one of Hollywood’s and America’s good guys, Gary Sinise, aka Lt. Dan in the hit movie, Forrest Gump. Since 2004, Gary has been entertaining our troops with the Lt. Dan Band, a group he co-founded with guitarist Kimo Williams.  On Monday, the documentary Lt. Dan Band: For The Common Good will be released with a marketing scheme designed to  benefit America’s service men and women (Gary Sinise Documentary Raises Money For U.S. Troops Every Time You Watch It):

“The heart of this movie is really giving back to those who are willing to lay down their lives for this nation. Even the act of streaming the movie [which costs $3.99]. One out of every four dollars is going back to the Gary Sinise Foundation, so that he can continue doing what he’s doing,” [Producer Jonathan] Flora said, adding that Sinise’s foundation honors our nation’s defenders through an array of programs and projects, in addition to supporting several charities including the USO, Operation International Children and Snowball Express.

And Sinise isn’t the only Hollywood face in the film. Academy Award winners Jon Voight and Robert Duvall, actress Raquel Welch, singer Connie Stevens, and others have supporting roles in the film.

“It’s really our men and women that are the stars of this movie. We’re taking that spotlight of celebrity that society will put on someone like Gary and turning it over and putting it on our men and women in uniform, whether they’re military or first responders, or family,” Flora said. “This isn’t a praise piece about Gary. This is following Gary and the band, using them as a vehicle to meet the men and women in uniform.”

**Lt. Dan Band: For The Common Good Website

A message from Lt. Dan (Gary Sinise):

[…] Personally, I have made it a particular mission to do what I can to draw attention to our military service members, their families and our veterans and to make sure they know they are remembered and appreciated. Whether through performing with the band, supporting a military charity or visiting the war zones and hospitals to shake some hands and take some pictures, all of it helps them know that there are people out there who are aware of their sacrifices and understand the importance of keeping our military families strong in difficult times. It is important to remember that these defenders are volunteers. There is no draft. Military service is something that we all have a choice to do or not to do. And I am grateful that there are Americans that have made the choice to serve. Especially in such dangerous and uncertain times. What would we do if no one wanted to defend this great country?

So, if you see someone in uniform, just know that taking the time to thank them will mean a lot. They don’t ask much at all. They are just doing what they signed up to do. But that little gesture of gratitude from a stranger will make their day…

Your pal,

Gary Sinise

Visit the Lt. Dan Band website here

Visit The Gary Sinise Foundation here & make a donation


Related stories:

Celebrate With The Lt. Dan Band On The 4th (Diary of a Mad Conservative)

Semper Fi on this Independence Day Weekend. (American & Proud)

It Is Time To Help Our Troops (The Daley Gator)

Gary Sinise follows in the foot steps of Bob Hope in Supporting Our Troops (Voting American)

Lt. Dan Band Movie Trailer: For the Common Good | Gary Sinise is Lt. Dan, Director Jonathan Flora, USO, Military Troops Documentary (Raysrope’s Blog)

Have a happy Fourth of July with Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band movie (Washington Examiner)

About Bob Mack

Retired since 2003. Military Service: U.S. Army, 36th Artillery Group, Babenhausen, Germany 1966-67; 1st Signal Brigade, Republic of Vietnam, 1967-68 Attended University of Miami, 1969-73
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33 Responses to Lt. Dan Rocks The Fourth

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Bob. It’s nice to know that there are still people like Gary Sinise who are willing to go that extra mile for our troops and those that protect and serve us.

  2. AFVET says:

    Bob, Roxy has also posted this.
    Patriots one, Patriots all.
    Bob Hope would be proud.

  3. Righthook38 says:

    I think he’s awesome. I really appreciate what he’s doing for our troops. It’s nice to see that, especially from Hollywood. It’s encouraging to see more and more actors/directors/producers admitting to being Republicans/conservatives. A few years ago, that was unheard of in Hollywood. Actors were afraid of being blackballed. It certainly doesn’t seem to have hurt him any, which is great.

  4. samiam60 says:

    This is a fitting Tribute and contribution to our troops Bob. I love what Gary is doing and was so impressed with him when he did the Tribute to Ronald Reagan at his 100th Birthday. With your permission I would like to re-post this over at the Village and also use your materials here to create another over at Voting American. I will do this tomorrow and keep them both up thru the entire July 4th Weekend. I would like to see this catch on in the blogosphere this weekend with a whole bunch of us bloggers doing the same thing. Our Troops deserve so much more and supporting Gary’s efforts is just so, well, American!

    • Bob Mack says:

      Re-post away, SAMI. I’m leaving this up until the 5th & re-tweeting at intervals. Hopefully, a few folks will hit his site & leave donations. I did.

  5. Gary Sinise is a true American patriot. God bless him!

    • Bob Mack says:

      Gary Sinise & the Lt. Dan Band are playing Ft. Rucker today. I wonder where Barbara Streisand or Bill Maher or the Whoopster or Joyless Behar or Letterman or any of the other Hollywood leftists are spending their weekends?

  6. bunkerville says:

    Thanks for sending it out. One doesn’t hear much about the USO now that Bob Hope is gone. We always looked forward to Bob’s special at Christmas time… and a good reminder of the sacrifice of others at that special time of year. We are reminded again.

  7. roxannadanna says:

    Wonderful post, BOB! Very moving.

    Thanks for the ping back too.

  8. TexasFred says:

    Great post Bob… Gary is a good guy and a breath of fresh air compared to most of the Hollywood crowd…

    A Happy and Safe 4th of July to you and ALL of your readers, an early wish in case I get hung out and don’t make it back over the weekend!!

  9. Pingback: Lt. Dan Rocks The Fourth (via Be Sure You’re RIGHT, Then Go Ahead) | Village of the Banned

  10. Pingback: Gary Sinise follows in the foot steps of Bob Hope in Supporting Our Troops | Voting American

  11. KingShamus says:

    If only the rest of Hollywood had half the patriotic spirit of Gary Sinise. The guy just gets it.

    By the way, thanks for stopping by my bloggerino. Mighty nice site yu have here, Bob. I added you to my blog roll.

    Have a great weekend.

  12. AirmanMom says:

    Sarge sent me your way…thank you for this awesome post!

  13. Pingback: Last night’s links 7/02/2011 « Fleece Me

  14. musingsofjustjon says:

    Bob –

    Thanks for bringing this individual to our attention. I was blessed to see Bob Hope at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD during my military service (USN, 1972-1981). I agree with your nomination for the very first Bob Hope Award.

  15. Matt says:

    I caught this over at Voting American. It’s great that there are still some famous people that support the troops.

    • Bob Mack says:

      I agree, MATT. It’s one thing to say you support the troops; but it’s quite another to head off to where the guns are firing in order to do it.

  16. Bunni says:

    Bob, this is a super post! You and Gary are GREAT Patriots! I always enjoy watching him on PBS for the Memorial Day Special, and I know he supports the troops 100% Thanks for posting the super videos. I hope you and your readers have a super Holiday, and thanks for your service.

  17. Bob Mack says:

    Thanks, BUNNI. I appreciate it & you have a great holiday yourself.

  18. Mike says:

    Gary Sinise was great in “Forest Gump” and of course in the series CSYNY and I hope he keeps doing all he is doing. We need people like him and more.
    Be nice to see a special on TV or cable with him and the band and in country besides.

    • Bob Mack says:

      Hey, MIKE. It’s always nice for the troops to know people at home support ’em. When I was in RVN, some Girl Scouts got my name from somewhere & sent me a big box of cookies. The foragers at the APO got to ’em first, though. By the time the package made it down the line to me, there was nothing left in it but crumbs and best wishes. I appreciated the gesture though.

  19. Angel says:

    luv this guy Bob…wish there were more like him eh! Hope u had a wonderful holiday my friend:)

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