The Decline and Fall of the Democratic Party

She Vehemently Condemns

Here’s why today’s Democrats are in serious danger of extinction: Since 2008, the party of the Jackass has been booted out of 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats, 900 state legislative seats, 30 state legislative chambers, and 12 governorships.  This is a worse record than the one posted by the original New York Mets. Despite such catastrophic losses, Dems remain committed to a destructive ideology that most Americans would like to see take its proper place in the fossil record. The Jackasses think that the people best suited to lead the erstwhile Land of the Free in the (thank God) post-Obama era are either  a demented old socialist who thinks Islamic terrorism is the result of global warming, or a foul-tempered termagant whose only qualification for high office is that she’s the one Democrat who literally has no balls.

Accelerating their headlong rush to oblivion, the Democrats, in the wake of the Paris massacre, have decided that the best way to win back the American people is by replacing them with illegal aliens and undocumented refugees from Syria whom Obama the Prevaricator and the rest of the Jackasses insist are thoroughly vetted — a process that probably goes something like this:

Obama Refugee Screener:  Are you a radical Islamic terrorist?

Terrorist:  No.

Obama Refugee Screener:  Okay, then.  Welcome to the United States.  Don’t forget to pick up your welfare check and your monthly food stamp allotment.

Terrorist:  Allahu Akbar!

The Democrats aren’t a party any longer; they’re a band of mental patients in search of an asylum.



About Bob Mack

Retired since 2003. Military Service: U.S. Army, 36th Artillery Group, Babenhausen, Germany 1966-67; 1st Signal Brigade, Republic of Vietnam, 1967-68 Attended University of Miami, 1969-73
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4 Responses to The Decline and Fall of the Democratic Party

  1. bobmontgomery says:

    And if the Republicans think it’s a good idea to continue their appeasement policies in order to seek the ever-dwindling Democrat base’s votes, they need to be committed as well.

  2. loaper73 says:

    When the hammer finally drops, I want it to be ugly. I want terrorists, deviates, illegal aliens and every other dumbass group of cancers on humanity to get their due a thousand times over and I want any and all idiots that have been proponents of all this stupid nonsense to get their due as well . I’m praying that it’s only possible to piss off 300 million people for so long and that the end of it is going to be in my lifetime.

  3. Pingback: The Decline and Fall of the Democratic Party | Viewpoints of a Sagitarrian

  4. Pingback: The Decline and Fall of the Democratic Party | Grumpy Opinions

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